An American hacker has Literally turned off the Internet in North Korea.

This American computer hacker Who goes by the name P4X, Has just revealed that he is the man behind a revenge attack that turned off North Korea’s entire Internet several times in the last month. The hacker says that they were targeted by hermit dictatorship spies who cyber attacked the western security researchers in 2021.

The hacker Did tell Wired that they were very angry with the attack and Due to frustration and the lack of response by the authorities and the government, they decided to take the step themselves. They did say that North Korea has attempted to steal many hacking tools and information on software vulnerabilities, And they did manage to dodge those.

Cr: Brookings

They were still resentful and did take exact revenge, They said that They felt like it was the best thing they could do here, “If they don’t see we have teeth, it’s going to keep coming”. They did say that He wanted North Korea to understand that if they did make any other attacks, They would get Jabbed back And their infrastructure would go down. This North Korean Internet outage did take place at the same time the US was carrying out a string of weapons tests and some observers suggested it could be the work of a foreign country.

During the outages, The total Internet of North Korea went down (It happens to be just a couple of websites because Very few North Korean citizens have any access to the Internet, and the websites made by North Korea are mostly government propaganda) So the common people of North Korea didn’t suffer much because they are not even on the Internet.

This hacker P4X did claim A lot of stuff and it cannot be Verified, but the WIRED crew did say that P4X provided the screen recordings of their actions. He has not revealed how he did break into the North Korean system, As they said that the North Koreans would know the flaws in their code and would fix it. The hacker did tell Wired that it was very interesting and easy to get control and effect on the North Korean servers. P4X also said that he has launched a website (A dark website) for hackers called FUNK (F U North Korea), They made it so they could take and continue taking action against North Korea. The hacker also said that the goal was to perform attacks and information gathering To make sure North Korea would not have the entire Western world unchecked.

An American hacker has Literally turned off the Internet in North Korea.

An American hacker has Literally turned off the Internet in North Korea.

This American computer hacker Who goes by the name P4X, Has just revealed that he is the man behind a revenge attack that turned off North Korea’s entire Internet several times in the last month. The hacker says that they were targeted by hermit dictatorship spies who cyber attacked the western security researchers in 2021.

The hacker Did tell Wired that they were very angry with the attack and Due to frustration and the lack of response by the authorities and the government, they decided to take the step themselves. They did say that North Korea has attempted to steal many hacking tools and information on software vulnerabilities, And they did manage to dodge those.

Cr: Brookings

They were still resentful and did take exact revenge, They said that They felt like it was the best thing they could do here, “If they don’t see we have teeth, it’s going to keep coming”. They did say that He wanted North Korea to understand that if they did make any other attacks, They would get Jabbed back And their infrastructure would go down. This North Korean Internet outage did take place at the same time the US was carrying out a string of weapons tests and some observers suggested it could be the work of a foreign country.

During the outages, The total Internet of North Korea went down (It happens to be just a couple of websites because Very few North Korean citizens have any access to the Internet, and the websites made by North Korea are mostly government propaganda) So the common people of North Korea didn’t suffer much because they are not even on the Internet.

This hacker P4X did claim A lot of stuff and it cannot be Verified, but the WIRED crew did say that P4X provided the screen recordings of their actions. He has not revealed how he did break into the North Korean system, As they said that the North Koreans would know the flaws in their code and would fix it. The hacker did tell Wired that it was very interesting and easy to get control and effect on the North Korean servers. P4X also said that he has launched a website (A dark website) for hackers called FUNK (F U North Korea), They made it so they could take and continue taking action against North Korea. The hacker also said that the goal was to perform attacks and information gathering To make sure North Korea would not have the entire Western world unchecked.