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Let’s get it straight Bestie, It’s pronounced “neftie”!

Image Cr: Shubham Dhage

Yeah, I know that headline was very cringe. Just wanted to make it sound a little cool.

So here’s the deal. The NFT market Is at a very high point right now, we’ve had NFTs profile photos on Twitter and so many other corporations integrating NFTS. There are talks about YouTube and Meta making NFTs and the list goes on and on. It’s a great way to make money, but it’s a great way to lose too.

Cr: Newsroom Post

Many people are getting scammed due to these NFTs. There are many people against the idea of NFTs, even including game devs! (Those who work at firms making NFTs right now!) Many Celebs are promoting this, having no idea of what it means, There are many people out there paying big money for just JPEG images (We think that stupid, Yeah, you heard that right Beeple Boi)

There are many people out there predicting that this is a short thrilling new trend, the kind of thing that we are sure is going to fade away in the coming years. (There is a high possibility of blockchain transactions and other cryptocurrencies, but the idea of NFTs are very flawed)

Well, even though there are many issues with NFTs, Corin at TheVerge is very right about one thing, them and we are going to be writing the term “NFTs” almost every week, you’ll keep reading about this almost everyday, but the fact that this term “NFTs” is just one word but completely broken up into three syllables, kind of complicated. They say that Ten members of The Verge team came up with a new pronunciation for this three-syllable word. they’re pronouncing it “neft”. We kind of disagree with this, Let’s just call it Neftie, it just came in my head and it’s cool.

It seems like TheVerge is going to be pronouncing it like “neft” For the rest of eternity. Well, we agree with them that a three-syllable word It’s kinda hard to pronounce. And yeah, we agree with that, but we will go with our own thing. So we call it neftie!

Yeah, this was just a troll thing.

Let’s get it straight Bestie, It’s pronounced “neftie”!

Let’s get it straight Bestie, It’s pronounced “neftie”!

Image Cr: Shubham Dhage

Yeah, I know that headline was very cringe. Just wanted to make it sound a little cool.

So here’s the deal. The NFT market Is at a very high point right now, we’ve had NFTs profile photos on Twitter and so many other corporations integrating NFTS. There are talks about YouTube and Meta making NFTs and the list goes on and on. It’s a great way to make money, but it’s a great way to lose too.

Cr: Newsroom Post

Many people are getting scammed due to these NFTs. There are many people against the idea of NFTs, even including game devs! (Those who work at firms making NFTs right now!) Many Celebs are promoting this, having no idea of what it means, There are many people out there paying big money for just JPEG images (We think that stupid, Yeah, you heard that right Beeple Boi)

There are many people out there predicting that this is a short thrilling new trend, the kind of thing that we are sure is going to fade away in the coming years. (There is a high possibility of blockchain transactions and other cryptocurrencies, but the idea of NFTs are very flawed)

Well, even though there are many issues with NFTs, Corin at TheVerge is very right about one thing, them and we are going to be writing the term “NFTs” almost every week, you’ll keep reading about this almost everyday, but the fact that this term “NFTs” is just one word but completely broken up into three syllables, kind of complicated. They say that Ten members of The Verge team came up with a new pronunciation for this three-syllable word. they’re pronouncing it “neft”. We kind of disagree with this, Let’s just call it Neftie, it just came in my head and it’s cool.

It seems like TheVerge is going to be pronouncing it like “neft” For the rest of eternity. Well, we agree with them that a three-syllable word It’s kinda hard to pronounce. And yeah, we agree with that, but we will go with our own thing. So we call it neftie!

Yeah, this was just a troll thing.