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The Apple Ideology- Strategy, Products, UI and Ecosystem P2

About Apple.

Apple is a firm that specialises in making electronic devices like phones, Laptops and Full Fledge Computers. They also specialise in making smartwatches and Tablets too. They have been doing this since 1976 (the year they were founded), the two masterminds behind it all were Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak. They were the first ones to commercially make smartphones available to the entire world and are also the reason why the internet is what it is today. They are also the market leaders in many industries too. They lead with their Apple Watches in the Smartwatch Category and also their iPad in the Tablet Industry. Although they face pretty huge competition in their iPhone segment with Android Phones leading the industry with 80% of the market share. They’re going smooth. 

How Apple Does it.

Apple has been leading the market for nearly a decade now and Apple has worked really hard over the years to improve their Product experience (Mark my words, I said Product Experience not “Products” in general) they always work with a plan in mind and they stick to that plan. 

See, I am an Android/Windows user and probably you are too. But, at this one moment, if I ask you “Do you want an iPhone?”(That’s the first device that pulls you into the Ecosystem) You might say Yes, you might say No but deep down you know that you do want one. Even, I Do. They have been working on making their products and their User Experience such that you will be pulled towards them. The PR and Daily Internet Publicity they receive is really good to keep them going. Yeah, even this Article you’re reading or podcast you’re listening to is making you know about their brand and it’s free publicity for them. You might ask, why though? Why are so many Content Creators including me who can write about so many other stuff, why’re we writing about Apple? Because it brings views. People want to know more about them and it’s a win-win for everybody. The last YT video you watched about an iPhone, it’s pulling you in, you wanted more so you came here, right?

This is their master plan, it was always the plan, since the iPhone, this has been their plan ever since. They try to present themselves like they’re a Minimalist, Luxury Brand making the best quality devices they could ever make. But, well they’re not.

Apple is perfectly fine with 20% Market share. They know that 90% of their users are totally pulled in and held together with their Ecosystem. They try to hold their users in Place, although they are slowly trying to expand their reach they are doing it slowly so that nobody notices, they’re trying to do this slowly and steadily, while keeping a low profile. But we noticed! 

Remember these? (Mac Pro Wheels)

If you don’t, I’ll Explain. These are wheels for their Computer they make, the Mac Pro. Now, you ask yourself, even if you’re an Apple Fanboy/Windows User/ Maybe the Owner of a Mac Pro, you don’t need Wheels for your Computer, right? It’s always stays static, right in one place. For the one occasional cleaning day, you can just move it with the Mac Pro’s Carrying Handles or you could just move it with little to no problems. Seriously, this was a real product Apple launched, this thing is totally pointless. Although this was a product with the best built quality on Computer Wheels, ever. But You’re never going to be moving the Computer!! You get the point right? They just needed the media attention, they wanted to see articles, posts, videos being made about them saying “Apple is Destroying Itself!!!!” “Apple is going crazy!!!” “These are the Mac Pro Wheels, these are totally useless!!!!” These kinds of PR attention does bring their(The Media Company’s) Audience’s Attention towards Apple. This way there are new people seeing their Website, potentially new customers and this is how they increase sales. 

Ecosystem and User Experience. 

The way their devices integrate with each other, the way that information flows between the devices in-order to give you the smooth experience. This is what’s called an Ecosystem. 

When you get an iPhone, you start to see the usefulness of the device, you get features and Subscriptions they offer. You get a Mac or a Macbook and now you get access to the full potential of your devices features like Airdrop, iMessage. 

Airdrop enables you to share files from one of your devices to the other, iMessage can be used for texts but in any Apple device, you can pick up calls on any device you intend to, etc. See if you’re a Windows/Chrome OS user using an Android Phone, you simply know that you don’t have these features, and it does sound a bit intuitive and useful to use, right?

This is how Apple Pulls you into their Ecosystem, they slowly take you inside their services, which I wouldn’t argue, are pretty neat. So the next time you get an Android Phone/ Windows PC in you disposal, you’ll see the primary features which are a staple to you, aren’t available. The Features you use all the time, are missing and the way people stopped using Huawei, due to lack of Google Services, you’ll stop using anything other than Apple Devices due to the lack of Apple Services. Get it? This is how they pull you in. 

Apple’s Strategy 

Now, let’s talk about Apple’s Strategy. This is technically all the stuff above, but summed up into one paragraph. 

Apple makes devices with minimum changes to their previous devices, They try to make less experimental products and  they remain very quiet regarding their Adverts, their social media pages always remain very quiet. So we pay attention to what they have to say when they do, unlike other brands who make thousands of posts everyday, which contributes to diverting attention.

People criticize Apple for not bringing Wireless charging until 2017 in the iPhone X  whilst the technology was available from 2013. It was introduced in the Galaxy S3, but Apple marketed themselves as the first brand to do so. They introduced Face ID instead of Touch ID on the iPhone X, very secure. People criticised them a lot but we all liked it and now it’s the new normal. They removed the Headphone Jack, People criticised them but now people are all in for Airpods (Their Wireless Earbuds), other brands also criticised them but they also did the same thing for their own devices. Then they removed the Charger from the box the iPhone came in, People and brands  criticised them again but now other brands have removed the charger from the box too. 

Source: XDA Developers

You get the pattern right? They introduce something new, People and Brands criticise them and after some months, it becomes the new normal. It is the feature everybody wants, and needs. This is how Apple Shapes the market everytime they make a change. 

Apple will continue to make products like these, and there’s a really great future ahead of Apple, they’re going to be unstoppable and are going to be adding alot to their lineup, to know more, stick around for Part 3 of ‘The Apple Ideology’, Follow Us on our Socials or Subscribe to Us! 

The Apple Ideology- Strategy, Products, UI and Ecosystem P2

The Apple Ideology- Strategy, Products, UI and Ecosystem P2

About Apple.

Apple is a firm that specialises in making electronic devices like phones, Laptops and Full Fledge Computers. They also specialise in making smartwatches and Tablets too. They have been doing this since 1976 (the year they were founded), the two masterminds behind it all were Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak. They were the first ones to commercially make smartphones available to the entire world and are also the reason why the internet is what it is today. They are also the market leaders in many industries too. They lead with their Apple Watches in the Smartwatch Category and also their iPad in the Tablet Industry. Although they face pretty huge competition in their iPhone segment with Android Phones leading the industry with 80% of the market share. They’re going smooth. 

How Apple Does it.

Apple has been leading the market for nearly a decade now and Apple has worked really hard over the years to improve their Product experience (Mark my words, I said Product Experience not “Products” in general) they always work with a plan in mind and they stick to that plan. 

See, I am an Android/Windows user and probably you are too. But, at this one moment, if I ask you “Do you want an iPhone?”(That’s the first device that pulls you into the Ecosystem) You might say Yes, you might say No but deep down you know that you do want one. Even, I Do. They have been working on making their products and their User Experience such that you will be pulled towards them. The PR and Daily Internet Publicity they receive is really good to keep them going. Yeah, even this Article you’re reading or podcast you’re listening to is making you know about their brand and it’s free publicity for them. You might ask, why though? Why are so many Content Creators including me who can write about so many other stuff, why’re we writing about Apple? Because it brings views. People want to know more about them and it’s a win-win for everybody. The last YT video you watched about an iPhone, it’s pulling you in, you wanted more so you came here, right?

This is their master plan, it was always the plan, since the iPhone, this has been their plan ever since. They try to present themselves like they’re a Minimalist, Luxury Brand making the best quality devices they could ever make. But, well they’re not.

Apple is perfectly fine with 20% Market share. They know that 90% of their users are totally pulled in and held together with their Ecosystem. They try to hold their users in Place, although they are slowly trying to expand their reach they are doing it slowly so that nobody notices, they’re trying to do this slowly and steadily, while keeping a low profile. But we noticed! 

Remember these? (Mac Pro Wheels)

If you don’t, I’ll Explain. These are wheels for their Computer they make, the Mac Pro. Now, you ask yourself, even if you’re an Apple Fanboy/Windows User/ Maybe the Owner of a Mac Pro, you don’t need Wheels for your Computer, right? It’s always stays static, right in one place. For the one occasional cleaning day, you can just move it with the Mac Pro’s Carrying Handles or you could just move it with little to no problems. Seriously, this was a real product Apple launched, this thing is totally pointless. Although this was a product with the best built quality on Computer Wheels, ever. But You’re never going to be moving the Computer!! You get the point right? They just needed the media attention, they wanted to see articles, posts, videos being made about them saying “Apple is Destroying Itself!!!!” “Apple is going crazy!!!” “These are the Mac Pro Wheels, these are totally useless!!!!” These kinds of PR attention does bring their(The Media Company’s) Audience’s Attention towards Apple. This way there are new people seeing their Website, potentially new customers and this is how they increase sales. 

Ecosystem and User Experience. 

The way their devices integrate with each other, the way that information flows between the devices in-order to give you the smooth experience. This is what’s called an Ecosystem. 

When you get an iPhone, you start to see the usefulness of the device, you get features and Subscriptions they offer. You get a Mac or a Macbook and now you get access to the full potential of your devices features like Airdrop, iMessage. 

Airdrop enables you to share files from one of your devices to the other, iMessage can be used for texts but in any Apple device, you can pick up calls on any device you intend to, etc. See if you’re a Windows/Chrome OS user using an Android Phone, you simply know that you don’t have these features, and it does sound a bit intuitive and useful to use, right?

This is how Apple Pulls you into their Ecosystem, they slowly take you inside their services, which I wouldn’t argue, are pretty neat. So the next time you get an Android Phone/ Windows PC in you disposal, you’ll see the primary features which are a staple to you, aren’t available. The Features you use all the time, are missing and the way people stopped using Huawei, due to lack of Google Services, you’ll stop using anything other than Apple Devices due to the lack of Apple Services. Get it? This is how they pull you in. 

Apple’s Strategy 

Now, let’s talk about Apple’s Strategy. This is technically all the stuff above, but summed up into one paragraph. 

Apple makes devices with minimum changes to their previous devices, They try to make less experimental products and  they remain very quiet regarding their Adverts, their social media pages always remain very quiet. So we pay attention to what they have to say when they do, unlike other brands who make thousands of posts everyday, which contributes to diverting attention.

People criticize Apple for not bringing Wireless charging until 2017 in the iPhone X  whilst the technology was available from 2013. It was introduced in the Galaxy S3, but Apple marketed themselves as the first brand to do so. They introduced Face ID instead of Touch ID on the iPhone X, very secure. People criticised them a lot but we all liked it and now it’s the new normal. They removed the Headphone Jack, People criticised them but now people are all in for Airpods (Their Wireless Earbuds), other brands also criticised them but they also did the same thing for their own devices. Then they removed the Charger from the box the iPhone came in, People and brands  criticised them again but now other brands have removed the charger from the box too. 

Source: XDA Developers

You get the pattern right? They introduce something new, People and Brands criticise them and after some months, it becomes the new normal. It is the feature everybody wants, and needs. This is how Apple Shapes the market everytime they make a change. 

Apple will continue to make products like these, and there’s a really great future ahead of Apple, they’re going to be unstoppable and are going to be adding alot to their lineup, to know more, stick around for Part 3 of ‘The Apple Ideology’, Follow Us on our Socials or Subscribe to Us!