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Mozzila Faced Backlash due to Crypto problem, here’s all about it

Mozilla, the nonprofit organization that makes the Firefox web browser. Said on Thursday that they would stop the ability to accept cryptocurrency donations after they faced backlash. Which happened because of Mozilla founder Jamie Zawinski.

Zawinski stopped working for Mozilla in 1999. Criticized. A December 31st tweet by Mozilla. Promoting that they accepted cryptocurrency donations, But the fact is that Mozilla already accepted Bitcoin for donations from 2014.

Everyone involved in the project should be witheringly ashamed of this decision to partner with planet-incinerating Ponzi grifters,” Zawinski said on January 3rd. He also said that cryptocurrencies are a bad thing because of their impact on the environment.

People in the discussion used a lot of vulgar languages. To explain to Mozilla the fact that cryptocurrencies use. A lot of energy and power. It seems like Mozilla thought of listening to their founders for once. Peter Lynch, who also made the gecko engine that. underpins Firefox tweeted his disapproval.

Listening to these two very prominent people. Mozilla addressed the situation in a Twitter thread on Thursday. “Last week, we tweeted a reminder that Mozilla accepts cryptocurrency donations,” Mozilla said. “This led to an important discussion about cryptocurrency’s environmental impact.” They also said that they were holding the cryptocurrency donation thing.

They said they would review if their current policy on crypto donations fits with their climate goals. They said that while that review is being taken place. They were stopping crypto donations. They also promised that they would share All the details and stay transparent.

Although Mozilla isn’t distancing itself from decentralized technology like crypto. They said that it is still an area for them to explore. After TheVerge uploaded that article, Peter Linss Said in a Twitter DM to TheVerge The fact that Mozilla reversed course here. He also added that Mozilla plays a crucial role in keeping the web open and free and that he was grateful for the support of all the fans of Mozilla, helping to keep them accountable to the ideas that they were founded under.

Well, that turned upside down, Mozilla did face backlash due to cryptocurrency donations. It’s not just Mozilla though, Tesla is also one of the companies which faced backlash due to the crypto payment decision last year.

Mozzila Faced Backlash due to Crypto problem, here’s all about it

Mozzila Faced Backlash due to Crypto problem, here’s all about it

Mozilla, the nonprofit organization that makes the Firefox web browser. Said on Thursday that they would stop the ability to accept cryptocurrency donations after they faced backlash. Which happened because of Mozilla founder Jamie Zawinski.

Zawinski stopped working for Mozilla in 1999. Criticized. A December 31st tweet by Mozilla. Promoting that they accepted cryptocurrency donations, But the fact is that Mozilla already accepted Bitcoin for donations from 2014.

Everyone involved in the project should be witheringly ashamed of this decision to partner with planet-incinerating Ponzi grifters,” Zawinski said on January 3rd. He also said that cryptocurrencies are a bad thing because of their impact on the environment.

People in the discussion used a lot of vulgar languages. To explain to Mozilla the fact that cryptocurrencies use. A lot of energy and power. It seems like Mozilla thought of listening to their founders for once. Peter Lynch, who also made the gecko engine that. underpins Firefox tweeted his disapproval.

Listening to these two very prominent people. Mozilla addressed the situation in a Twitter thread on Thursday. “Last week, we tweeted a reminder that Mozilla accepts cryptocurrency donations,” Mozilla said. “This led to an important discussion about cryptocurrency’s environmental impact.” They also said that they were holding the cryptocurrency donation thing.

They said they would review if their current policy on crypto donations fits with their climate goals. They said that while that review is being taken place. They were stopping crypto donations. They also promised that they would share All the details and stay transparent.

Although Mozilla isn’t distancing itself from decentralized technology like crypto. They said that it is still an area for them to explore. After TheVerge uploaded that article, Peter Linss Said in a Twitter DM to TheVerge The fact that Mozilla reversed course here. He also added that Mozilla plays a crucial role in keeping the web open and free and that he was grateful for the support of all the fans of Mozilla, helping to keep them accountable to the ideas that they were founded under.

Well, that turned upside down, Mozilla did face backlash due to cryptocurrency donations. It’s not just Mozilla though, Tesla is also one of the companies which faced backlash due to the crypto payment decision last year.